Some of our most frequently asked questions and their answers
What are your COVID safe procedures?
Your safety and your child’s safety is our ultimate concern. As such, our centre follows all government COVID safe regulations and guidelines.
We foster outdoor play as much as possible.
We have open windows and lots of airflow.
Both parents must be vaccinated to allow a child to attend our childcare and kindergarten services.
We conduct all our regular cleanliness routines which include hand washing, hand sanitising and daily cleans of the centre.
All staff are vaccinated against COVID.
What are the age groups in each room?
Explore our six early childhood educational classrooms, tailored to different age groups. The nursery room, Narrang, welcomes little ones aged 6 weeks to 15 months. Move on to Budja for toddlers aged 15 to 24 months, followed by Wimbi for children aged 2 to 2.5 years, and Goorbil for those aged 2.5 to 3 years. Progress to our Kinder rooms, Walert and Muk Muk, designed for 3-year olds and 4-year olds, respectively.
What if my child has anaphylaxis, allergies or special dietary requirements?
Our cooks will cater for all dietary requirements. All educators have at least a level 2 First Aid Certificate and are trained in anaphylaxis management and the administration of adrenaline auto injecting devices. All our cooks and educators have Food Handling certificates.
Can we bring our own food?
Due to strict food handling guidelines and allergy guidelines, we cannot allow any food to be brought into our centre.
What do we need to bring?
- You will need to bring 1-3 changes of clothes, clearly labelled. Clothing needs to be consistent with our SunSmart policy – no singlets are to be worn.
- A warm jacket in the colder months as we believe there is no wrong time to play outdoors, only inappropriate clothing.
- A wide brimmed, SunSmart hat.
- Shoes that cover the feet – no open toed shoes please.
- Any bottles ready with sterilised water if your child is formula fed, and an unopened tin of your childs formula.
- For under 12 months, a safe baby sleeping bag that your child is familiar with, if used at home.
- If your child has a skin condition and uses specific wipes, nappies or sunscreen that are not a brand we provide, you will have to supply these items.
- Child’s comfort toy
- If your child has any special requirements, please contact our team to discuss your needs.
Does my child need to be immunised?
Yes your child will need to be fully immunised as per the mandatory vaccinations on the Australian Childhood Immunisation Schedule to take part in our services.
What are your operating hours?
Our centre is open from 7.00am – 6.00pm.
What are the fees?
Our average daily rate is $145 per day per child, however childcare subsidies are offered by the government with part of the subsidy based on your family income.
Can I claim government rebates for childcare at Embracia Childcare and Kindergarten?
Yes, you are able to claim for Childcare Subsidies as we are a registered childcare provider.
What does the day rate include?
The day rate includes everything we provide for your child. This includes nappies, wipes, sudocrem, sensitive sunscreen, bedding, breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, supper. If you wish for your child to have a formula after 12 months of age, you are welcome to provide it to us to supplement your child’s diet. We also include incursions and excursions with dedicated extra curriculum activities to support our learning programs.
Can I join the waitlist if my child is not born yet?
Yes, of course. We look forward to meeting all potential new families. Please email us using the contact page and put ‘baby’ as the child’s name, and also if you know your expected due date you can include this too. Please also don’t hesitate to call us – and know we have absolutely no waitlist fee’s for parents.