Resources & Support

Find the right support and advice with our service directory and resource library.


Our resources page provides current and relevant links for families to find services, advice, information and support when they need it most. If you or a loved one are experiencing mental health issues or domestic violence, there are plenty or free and confidential services available.

Mental Health & Wellbeing:

  •  Beyond Blue – Provide free support, advice and information for parents and mental health support from registered counsellors.
  • Black Dog Institute – Provide social and emotional wellbeing resources for First Nations people.
  • Sunbury & Cobaw Community Health – Not-for-profit health organisation providing a range of free and low cost services.

Family Violence:

  • Djirra – Support for all Aboriginal women and particularly to Aboriginal people who are currently experiencing family violence or have in the past.
  • Orange Door – Orange Door is a free service for adults, children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence and families who need extra support with the care of children.
  • Family Violence Statewide Support Services – Victorian Government directory for family violence support services.
  • Safe Steps – Provide 24/7 specialist support services for anyone in Victoria who is experiencing or afraid of family violence.
  • Rainbow Door – Advice, referral, and support from an experienced LGBTIQA+ peer.

Family Support:

Parent Advice 

  • Department of Education – Free learning and development support and services for all Victorians.
  • Raising Chidren Network – Provides ad-free parenting videos, articles and apps backed by Australian experts.
  • Red Nose Australia  Red Nose is Australia’s leading authority on safe sleep and safer pregnancy advice.

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Resources & Support