National NAIDOC Week 2023

Jun 30, 2023

Artwork to celebrate NAIDOC Week 2023

National NAIDOC Week is held every year during the first week of July and recognises the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.

In 2023, the NAIDOC Week theme is “For our Elders.” Communities across the nation will come together this week to recognise the invaluable role that elders play in preserving cultural heritage, passing down traditions, and guiding future generations. Through storytelling, intergenerational events, and cultural activities, NAIDOC Week 2023 will ensure that the wisdom and teachings of elders continue to shape and inspire First Nation communities and the wider society. 

How will Embracia celebrate NAIDOC Week and the theme ‘For Our Elders?’ 

At Embracia Childcare, our commitment to celebrating and recognising Aboriginal and Torre Strait Islander cultures extends beyond NAIDOC Week. We celebrate and embrace these perspectives every day as an integral part of our daily routines and curriculum. 

Our approach involves incorporating First Nations literature and storytelling into our story time, integrating Aboriginal art, music, and language into our activities, and inviting guest speakers and performers to share their knowledge and experiences with our children and staff.  

Recently we engaged the Taungurung Land and Waters Council who represent the Taungurung Clans and Country, on which Embracia childcare is built. After consultation, we received consent to name our rooms after different animals using the Taungurung language. By doing so, we promote connection, language preservation and appreciation while fostering a deep understanding and respect for the Taungurung clans languages and cultures. 

You can find the names for each room and age group below: 

Narrang – Small lizard              Babies Room (0-12months) 
Budja – Platypus Junior Toddler room (12month-18months) 
Wimbi – Wallaby  Senior Toddler Room (18months-2years) 
Goorbil – Koala  2 -3 Year old 
Walert – Brushy Tail 3 Year Old Kinder 
Muk Muk – Boobook Owl Pre – Prep 

The theme “For our Elders” holds immense significance for us. Embracia Childcare & Kindergarten has a partnership with Embracia Aged Care and plans to co-locate a residential aged care home next to the childcare and incorporate intergenerational learning into our Kinder program. We recognise the invaluable wisdom, experience, and contributions of the elderly residents who call Embracia their home.  

Embracia understands that the elders have a lifetime of knowledge, stories, and cultural heritage to share. We are committed to creating a nurturing and respectful environment where elders are honoured, and their voices are heard. We look forward to providing an opportunity to foster intergenerational connections, allowing younger generations to learn from the elders’ lived experiences.  

Events Near You 

You can take part in a NAIDOC Week celebration; the Macedon Ranges Shire Council has organised an Indigenous Food and Cultures event hosted by Mark Olive.  

Mark will provide a cultural experience of Indigenous food, herbs and spices with an on-stage cooking demonstration and tasting with a variety of ingredients, some found in our own back yard.  

You can buy your tickets here: NAIDOC Week Celebration – Macedon Ranges Shire Council  

Sunbury Aboriginal Corporation and Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health are hosting a free event in Kyneton. They invite everyone to join them for morning tea and a special live performance by Lee Sonnyboy Morgan. Make sure to register via their event page: NAIDOC Afternoon Tea – Kyneton | NAIDOC.